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Unleashing the Power of Storytelling in Leadership


In a world inundated with data, metrics, and strategic plans, the art of storytelling stands out as a compelling force that has the potential to transform organisations and leadership dynamics. In a recent conversation with Liz Bloomfield, a seasoned leader and advocate for storytelling, we delved into the why, how, and transformative impact of weaving narratives into the fabric of leadership. Liz's insights, drawn from diverse experiences ranging from the military to the humanitarian sector, shed light on the profound connection between vulnerability, authentic storytelling, and effective leadership.

The Why

Liz's passion for storytelling emanates from a deep-seated belief in the ability of narratives to create a more just world where everyone thrives. Rooted in the idea of not just surviving, but thriving as individuals, communities, and humanity at large, her mission is to tap into stories that showcase what's working in the world. By shifting the focus from problems to solutions, Liz aims to multiply the impacts of endeavours that are already making a positive difference.

Breathing Life into Strategies

For Liz, storytelling is a potent tool to breathe life into organisational strategies and goals. While impressive plans and objectives may exist, it's the stories wrapped around them that provide substance and relatability. By connecting organisational activities with purpose through storytelling, leaders can make their initiatives more compelling and resonate with their audience on a human level.

Leadership and Energy

Leadership, according to Liz, is about creating energy. The stories leaders tell contribute significantly to the energy they bring to a situation. By being intentional about the energy they convey, leaders can influence the emotional tone of their teams and organisations. Storytelling becomes a means to infuse positive energy, fostering a culture of inspiration and motivation.

Passing the Mic

Challenging the conventional narrative, Liz emphasises the importance of passing the mic in storytelling. Beyond the formal leaders, organisations can empower individuals at all levels to share their stories. By doing so, a diverse range of voices emerges, creating a more inclusive and empowered environment. Liz draws on her experience at Ripple, a nonprofit using visual storytelling, to highlight the transformative power of amplifying voices within communities.

Types of Stories and Narrative Structure

When it comes to storytelling in leadership, Liz recommends focusing on three key questions: What is the need you're addressing? Why are you uniquely positioned to address it? How is it sustainable? This approach helps organisations, especially in the social impact sector, build a narrative that is impactful and aligned with their purpose.

Stories Beyond Big Moments

Julian and Liz discuss the misconception that storytelling is only for big moments or significant achievements. Liz counters this notion by emphasising the importance of everyday stories. The stories of small, consistent efforts and the narratives that unfold in day-to-day operations hold equal power in creating lasting transformations.

Challenges and Pitfalls

While embracing storytelling, leaders often grapple with the desire to control the narrative. Liz underscores the importance of relinquishing some control to allow for authentic, compelling stories to emerge. The fear of vulnerability is another challenge leaders face. Embracing vulnerability, however, is a key element that can make stories more relatable and powerful.

Initiating a Storytelling Culture

For leaders looking to infuse storytelling into their organisations, Liz suggests starting with energy. Clarify the purpose, understand what you want to be different, and identify the storytellers within your ranks. Building trust, creating a safe space, and allowing time for relationships to develop are crucial components in nurturing a storytelling culture.

Adapting to Cultural and Generational Differences

In the discussion on cultural and generational nuances in storytelling, Liz emphasises authenticity as the key. While there isn't a specific formula for different cultures or generations, being true to oneself and maintaining authenticity resonates universally. Vulnerability, a common thread in storytelling, fosters human connections regardless of cultural or generational differences.


As our conversation with Liz concludes, it is evident that storytelling in leadership goes beyond the surface of communication—it is an intricate dance of vulnerability, authenticity, and purpose. Liz's journey from the military to the humanitarian sector, coupled with her experiences at Ripple, underscores the universal power of stories to inspire, connect, and transform. In a world hungry for meaning, leaders who master the art of storytelling have the potential to shape a more compassionate, purpose-driven future.

This blog was created from the conversation with Liz Bloomfield from the Helping Organisations Thrive podcast, click the below to access the episode:

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